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By SkyCake
#141078 Heya!

So! I just downloaded this mod. Played around for like 10 minutes in a new world (I'm also fairly new to MineCraft). Then, decided that I would get bored without any kind of quests, gym leaders, or towns! I was wondering, is there a way to get this in the game?

I've seen adventure maps. But! I can't break blocks in them. I really would like to be able to build my own house at any part of the world. Then, set out from that house and train so that I can battle gym leaders! Or, do something...

If anyone could suggest saves that would allow this, I would be greatly appreciative!

EDIT: Oh! Is there a way to take adventure map saves and change the settings or something so that I can break blocks and build, but everything still functions such as shops and gyms?

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By Burgy
#141472 There indeed is a way to change an Adventure Map into a Survival Map.
One way is using the mod NEI to switch your gamemode.

But if you are to change the single player game into a LAN game via the ESC menu, you can allow cheats and then use the /gamemode (1-3) commands to change your gamemode.
But you can also join existing servers via the Pixelmon Server Listing subforum