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By TortimerTheGrey
#141170 My server is considering spawning in chisels for our members to use in their builds etc. but there was some concern voiced over whether or not they (statues) would cause lag on the server.

I see no reason to believe that they would cause any unique lag issues that would not be caused by any other block but I was wondering if anyone had experienced issues with this or knew what type of entity they were treated as? I suppose if someone knew the type of entity they were it would be easier to make guesses as to what the potential impact would be.

Let me know your thought! Thanks!

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By MrMasochism
#141181 If you had ridiculous numbers of them in a small area it could cause some rendering lag for lower spec clients. The entity themselves doesn't tick much so it has very little impact but the addition of a heap more poly's to render can cause issues if there are way too many