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By nex86
#141505 Me and my friends are working on a Pixelmon server and I'm responsible for the gym leaders,
What are the Item IDs for the badges like boulder badge, thunder badge, heat badge etc?
I found a list with Item IDs but they're giving me complete different items!

we run Pixelmon 3.3.4 and I feel like that the Item IDs got changed after an update.

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By JamieS1211
#141514 The IDs are randomly assigned by forge when you boot up the server. To find the IDs on your particular server you can read the startup log where it will print all the item IDs that it assigns or in game press f3+h and then hover over the items in the inventory to show the ID code.
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By Burgy
jsnbrown1989 wrote:You could also just use this wiki as well:

This is the more efficient way of doing things because if you install other mods and things these names will never change (unless an update to the mod changes them) whereas using the numerical ID if you change installations of mods the IDs will change.

I recommend using the Names rather than IDs.