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By FroZone21
#142141 Hey everyone, I'm new on the forums and I have played pixelmon before and I would like to ask a question. Does anyone know when Pixelmon 1.8 will come out.

Please leave your feedback down below thank you! :-D

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By Some Body
#142143 That can't be done until Forge itself is compatible with 1.8.
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By MrMasochism
#142144 Forge is only one of the issues in place. We won't move pixelmon till there's a server framework that can work well with Pixelmon 1.8 as otherwise all the servers running pixelmon would miss out on any new stuff we add and we will not develop multiple versions at the same time, we don't have the manpower for that
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By Trigore
FroZone21 wrote:Ok thanks. Just so u know Some Body Forge 1.8 is out BTW.

That does not mean its stable enough to handle the massive mod that is pixelmon. Wait a bit it will come eventually.
By floh22
#142150 Well the Forge 1.8 version that is out now is aimed at devs so that they can start updating their mods. It may not be stable enough for people to play with, but it already has all the API ready for devs to start updating. Thats sorta the whole point of Forge pre-releases
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By Some Body
MrMasochism wrote:We will not develop multiple versions at the same time, we don't have the manpower for that
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By MoeBoy76
#142152 another thing Mr M mentioned was the fact that there are no solid server types for 1.8 that allow both plugins and mods to run
By floh22
MoeBoy76 wrote:another thing Mr M mentioned was the fact that there are no solid server types for 1.8 that allow both plugins and mods to run

Wasn't the plan for forge to have some sort of abstraction layer similar to what bukkit used to do? Afaik bukkit plugins aren't going to work with 1.8 no matter how long you wait. I understand waiting for forge to become stable, but I don't think bukkit plugins for 1.8 is something we should wait for...
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By MrMasochism
#142183 We don't mind what the system ends up being. It's quite possible that sponge will be that framework but it would be incredibly hard for most servers to operate with just base forge