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By DarkKnife1
#142688 Apparently ditto should be able to breed with any and all none-undiscovered pokemon so why wont he screw my metang :(
is there a way to breed 2 different type pokemon coz if not, the egg move part of the wiki is lying :(

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By Some Body
#142692 That's not specific. Is it not working because it's not compatible or because the it's uncomfortable with the environment? It's also working completely fine for me.
By DarkKnife1
#142759 Sorry I was vague, I will over compensate by telling you a similar story
So in wanted to breed infernape with electrabuzz. They are both field egg groups and I wanted a chimchar with fire punch, with me so far.
Since they have no types in common, getting an environment seemed to be out of my reach. The same happens with metang and ditto. With no types in common, one of them is all up for it, the other won't have none of it.
So my new question is: how do I get ditto to breed with a none normal type? - or more to the point how do I get any pkmn to screw with a different type Pokemon?
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By MrMasochism
#142792 It's relatively simple to build such an environment even in just a regular size breeding area though expanding it will make it even easier. Check the breeding block lists in the wiki
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By Some Body
#142812 Basically use some blocks that one Pokémon likes and some other blocks that the other Pokémon likes.