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By IaeyanElyuex
#142879 I want to start a "Space program" on my Pixelmon Server. I intend to implement it once 1.8.1 mods are complete.

My question is: Is Pixelmon compatible with MultiWorld? I get the feeling that since it's another "dimension", it might break stuff if I bring Pokémon there, or it might tell me to pick a starter again upon reaching the added world. I'm just wondering, but it's no big deal if it won't work. It's just a thought at this point.

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By MrMasochism
#142893 It's compatible. Pokemon will spawn there if you add the world ids in the pixelmon.cfg. Pokemon can be taken between worlds without any issue
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By bosvan2014
#142901 ...yet the devs wont add Pokemon in the Minecraft built in dimensions even though mods already edit stuff in those dimensions and it could be done easily. :p
By IaeyanElyuex
MrMasochism wrote:It's compatible. Pokemon will spawn there if you add the world ids in the pixelmon.cfg. Pokemon can be taken between worlds without any issue

Hot doge! I know what I'm adding on my server next. Also, you said Pokémon can spawn in the Nether and End if allowed, but the Wiki says bringing Pokémon there can cause "a corruption of data". I didn't know what that means, so I outlawed Nether Portals on my server and destroyed the End Frame in our resident stronghold.
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By MoeBoy76
IaeyanElyuex wrote:Hot doge! I know what I'm adding on my server next. Also, you said Pokémon can spawn in the Nether and End if allowed, but the Wiki says bringing Pokémon there can cause "a corruption of data". I didn't know what that means, so I outlawed Nether Portals on my server and destroyed the End Frame in our resident stronghold.

that issue has been fixed for a little while, that's one of the few things that have been neglected on the wiki