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By WhiteTigerAX
#143132 Hey :3
Is there anyway to make it so everyone on our server can claim the same Pokeloot once, and then someone else can still claim it?
Thanks :-D

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By dyinghere
#143138 You can do this in the config if you want naturally spawning pokeloot to be once per player or once every so often. Or by placing the pokeloot yourself and fiddling with it. I'm not sure what you have to do but I'm sure there are tutorials somewhere. I know crouching and right clicking all do something but I've never messed around with it much myself.
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By Some Body
#143144 No need to crouch for that; just right-click and you'll be able to change the spawn mode of player-placed chests before placing loot in them. If you mean naturally spawning chests, there's a config setting for this.