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By Ray4den
#143168 Hello,

Hi I have on my server group manager to manage permissions but I have a concern I must put BUILD = FAULSE because I do not want that can destroy on my server but I would like above that can build in a plot on the server. So how to please?

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By vPzQuigleyx
#143170 Making guests/players etc not being able to build until you choose will require a permission manager such as Group Manager or Permissions Ex and possibly EssentialsAntiBuild (There may be an easier way to do this). Once you have one of these, you can then assign everyone into a group which does not have the permission node "*" or within the PEx permissions.yml you can set build to false for certain groups.
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By Burgy
#143180 If you would only like players to build in certains areas you may use World Edit and World Guard to set the __Global__ region so that no one may build but then create regions and layer them above the __Global__ region where players may build

"/region flag __global__ build deny"
"/region define {name}"
"/region setpriority __global__ 1
"/region setpriority {name} 2"
"/region flag {name} build allow"