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By Lolkast
#143489 Hey guys! Me and a friend have been building on a map for some time, which originally was because we wanted a map for ourselves to play on, as there is no map like this out there now. We've built the towns and gyms in a normal minecraft world so we could play regular survival, with the added benefit of having more stuff to do. It's a cross between an adventure and a survial map, which you can play however you like.

Our focus has been on gameplay and progress, very much like old school gameboy games. That's the kinda vibe we aimed for, and we think we succeded.

Story: You are a young aspiring pixelmon trainer, but you completely suck. You will need to go through hard trails, brutal gyms, and eventually the E4. On your way, you will cross roads with you bitter rival, who will try to bring down in every way possible, don't let him succed.

Update: Hey guys, the map is pretty much done, the only thing left is a couple of tweaks, we will release the map tomorrow.

The map contains:

- 8 towns
- 8 gyms
- Elite four
- Trainers!
- Item giver and shop npcs
- A bitter rival

Gameplay time: 10+ hours + end game material.

Required mods:

Pixelmon 3.3.8
Custom Npcs 1.7.10
Mr.crayfish's Furniture
