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By momoer
#143567 Are there any pixelmon maps that is just survival, not like, a role playing kanto/johto map, but that have a store with custom npcs, or somthing along the lines. its hard to explain what i mean

basically, i want a survival map with a store that is balanced but the world is random, so only thing built by someone is the store.

By Lolkast
#143581 Our map has exactly that, though it has towns and gyms also, which I don't if that's a deal breaker for you. You will be able to download it very soon.
By momoer
#143582 please hurry, im eager to play a map where i can mine and stuff but have a shop so i dont need to do nothing BUT mine, can i test your map early? :D
By Lolkast
#143587 Our map is little different. You also win rewards beating gym trainers/leaders, but you can also buy items with gold and diamonds.

I would give it to you, but I'm not done with npcs yet. :)