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By totalymew
#143568 For example, If I fight 200 Whismur's with the Macho Brace held by my Pokemon, it should get a total of 400 HP EV's, but since the maximum EV's allowed for any given stat is 255, that means 145 of those EV's didn't count. But my question is, are those 155 EV's deducted from my grand total of 510 EV's? I have not seen this question answered clearly anywhere else. This would make recording every Pokemon fought neccesary to guarentee you do not fight more Pokemon than alloted for any given stat.

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By Some Body
#143569 They are not wasted. However, you should be shooting for 252 EVs as getting the full 255 EVs wastes 3 EVs by itself.

On another note, Whismur isn't in Pixelmon.