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By wop0911
#143571 How can I set up my server so my players can choose a starter after logging in? I've seen it done but no one is sharing, lol.

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By JeanMarc
#143575 Do you mean choosing which starters appear on the beginning screen, or just the same as every server?
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By m1zark
#143583 I think he means not having the starter screen show as soon as you login, but have it display after you talk to someone/click something.

If that's the case i believe there using custom server plugins todo that. No way otherwise. There's no Pixelmon command to bring that up.
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By wop0911
#143743 Yea that's what I wanted. I've asked a couple ppl who ha . Done it but they are not forthcoming with how. I really want to set it up though. I think it provides a better player experience