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By Skywalker
#143741 Ultimate Battle GUI Pack - Version: 1.0 - 12/30/2014
Download Here

Complete Texture Packs with my GUI (includes blocks):
Pokeballer's Texture Pack: Download Here (

Hi everyone, my name is Skywalker and I have been working recently with the pixelmon GUI and wanted to share my work. The goal of this GUI pack is a modern take on the classic pokemon battle screens. I have added some additions that have helped my game play such as color coding for the stats page that reference EvTraining items as well as colored columns for the pc rows to better organize full teams of 6 pokemon.

If you are interested in contacting me to commission a GUI, you can contact me at [email protected]


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Installation Instructions

1. Download the file

2. Open your app data folder by pressing Windows key + R and typing 'app data' or by going to Options > Resource Packs in-game and clicking "Open resource pack folder"

3. put the .zip file into roaming/.minecraft/resource packs

4.Load the Ultimate Battle GUI Pack listed on the left side under available resource packs, look for the blue pokeball. Move it to the right side under Selected Resource Packs. It must be at the top of the list and can be used in conjunction with most other texture packs so long as they are below it in the list order.