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By FrancoSanchez
#143967 Howdy guys! I wanted to share something that I thought was pretty cool, that I don't recall being done before... AKA, a super ranch. It's a rather simple concept.... Using one rancher to breed all Pokemon types, with maximum satisfaction rating thresholds. Not only that, but being able to breed any type/duo-type with normal types (Ditto). Personally, I think it's a cool idea, and not one that I've ever heard of/seen. Anyways, I did manage to figure out a build that can achieve it. If there is enough interest in it, I can post a video of the build later.

For now I'll just include a top/side screen shot of the first 2 layers. :-D
2015-01-02_14.54.58.png (351.17 KiB) Viewed 644 times
2015-01-02_14.54.43.png (234.54 KiB) Viewed 644 times

By Masochrist
Some Body wrote:The config already has options to disable the environment mechanic and speed up the breeding process.

Yes, because all servers freely allow their players to edit the config files at will.

You're so cynical sometimes.

@OP, try using [img] tags instead of attachments, so we can actually see what you're talking about.
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By Some Body
#144065 If this were to be made, there would most likely be another config setting to enable/disable it, and if a server wanted the environment mechanic, they would just disable this item anyway.
By Userman
#144079 i'm not sure i understood it right because i can't see the attachments, but if this is a redstone build it'd be very awesome. Ever since breeding came out i've tried to think of a design that could manage to switch floors automatically but never managed to build one successfully :(
if it's another block to add in pixelmon tho, like Some Body said, it's not really that useful
By Masochrist
Some Body wrote:If this were to be made, there would most likely be another config setting to enable/disable it, and if a server wanted the environment mechanic, they would just disable this item anyway.

Ah I see the issue. This isn't a suggestion for a new block, this is apparently a build that somehow incorporates enough blocks to be used as a breeding environment for any type... Or at least that's how I understood it. It's kind of hard to be certain without any images.
By FrancoSanchez
Masochrist wrote: Ah I see the issue. This isn't a suggestion for a new block, this is apparently a build that somehow incorporates enough blocks to be used as a breeding environment for any type... Or at least that's how I understood it. It's kind of hard to be certain without any images.

This ^.


It's a redstone build that utilizes block swapping to change the breed types on a ranch. This is able to hit maximum satisfaction levels on a dual type (Bisharp) as well as Ditto simultaneously. It's also built to allow you to load 2 types at once, in the case of dual types like Bisharp. In the example, Bisharp wasn't able to hit max satisfaction with only Steel or only Dark blocks(blocks were rated 3). However, when mixed it was.

Anyways, here are the screens that I had meant to include in the original post.