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By zarzaania
#144146 I was wondering a few things about breeding for ability's and hidden ability's.
1. what I have heard in the ''normal'' pokemon games you can only get ability's if either parent know them. so if both scolipede for example know poison point there is no way of getting swarm.
but that should not aplie when you breed with a ditto, as it is only 80% (or 60% when it is a male).
but what I mostly was wondering was that if they indeed can learn another ability, can they learn a hidden ability if the parent don't know them yet? and if so, do you know/where can I find/ how big would that chance be that it will get the hidden ability?

for example, if I breed a male scolipede with swarm with a ditto, then he would have 60% chance to get swarm. then would it be 40% chance to get only poison point, or will it be 20% poison point and 20% speed boost, or maybe just the same ratio as finding a wild one with it what was if I am correct 1/150 (what is 0,66% chance)

thanks in advance for answering, whether you know it or not <3

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By Some Body
#144153 2x Poison Point Scolipede = 80% Poison Point/20% Swarm/0% Speed Boost
Male Swarm Scolipede + Ditto = 40% Poison Point/60% Swarm/0% Speed Boost

You heard wrong about never getting the other normal ability. Without Ditto, the female's ability has an 80% chance of passing on and the male's ability has no effect. This applies in both Pixelmon and the Pokémon games.

The hidden ability can never be obtained in this case; the 1/150 chance only applies to wild Pokémon.