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By PokeBlitz
#144207 Hello,

I have seen a plugin / sidemod (Not sure what one it is) around on a few different Pixelmon servers. It has a /pokeshout & /pokesell commands. I really want to get this on my server as it's a scam proof system, if anyone has any information about it could you please let me know :)

OrthadoxSniper (PokeBlitz Server Owner)

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By Jephon
#144210 Pokesell is in one of the sidemods in the downloads section of this website.

pokeshout on the other hand.. It sounds like a custom mod/plugin as I have never heard of it. What does it do?
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By JeanMarc
#144235 Those sidemods are 2 commands that are custom made by the pixelbuilt server. AFAIK they're not public. The /pokesell command jsn is referring to is the one from pixelmon extras, which unlike what you would think only gives a pokemon away to someone.
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By Burgy
#144583 RC-Gamers could've bought them from PixelBuilt or vice versa.
Or another plausible solution could be that they both hired the same dev on the internet to make the same commands haha