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By weezact7
#152696 Why not make Pokemon attackable without Pokemon? It wouldn't really serve a purpose, but it would feel more integrated if you could take out your sword and attack a Pokemon and have it hit back.

There are numerous examples of people attacking or being attacked by Pokemon in the franchise. It might even be a valid way to catch them (if you can throw pokeballs outside of battle) provided that they have the staying power to make it an unfavorable way to catch them. So, it'd be an option, but probably not your BEST option.

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weezact7 wrote:Why not make Pokemon attackable without Pokemon? It wouldn't really serve a purpose, but it would feel more integrated if you could take out your sword and attack a Pokemon and have it hit back.

There are numerous examples of people attacking or being attacked by Pokemon in the franchise. It might even be a valid way to catch them (if you can throw pokeballs outside of battle) provided that they have the staying power to make it an unfavorable way to catch them. So, it'd be an option, but probably not your BEST option.

we took that otu because people would end up smaking a pokemon into lava or something of the sort to lower their hp without battling
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By JamieS1211
MrMasochism wrote:While that would be cool it would also require a new model and animation for every mutation. Unless you want to attempt that I think it's probably a little too unrealistic

If the pokemon being altered were SMD and we could figure out a way to get scaling to work random bones could be scaled differently to give the bodys different proportions. Don't know what it would look like in practise but it could be an idea.
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By JamieS1211
#154649 You reckon we could scale bones differently in different pokemon (just slightly) to give more slight physical changes between pokemon of the same level and size factor. It would sort of flesh out size factors into body shape factors as-well so like a Giant Ectomorph charizard. So slightly taller and thinner then the current normal Giant charizard.
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By HelenTheHero
HelenTheHero wrote:Now, if you've tried to create a farm before because your supply of Magikarp is running low, you've probably noticed that Pokemon will often come and jump on all the crops. Maybe a solution could be a special type of fence that repels Pokemon. The Repel item could be implemented in a way then, and this special fence would be useful for reasons other then farming. There could even be multiple Repelling items, such as Repel Torch, Repel Block, and Repel Water. These would be much like how cats repel creepers in Vanilla, Pokemon would not spawn nearby, and if they wander to close (5-20 blocks depending on Repel strength) the Pokemon will run off. Flying Types would not be affected unless you create the Repel Lantern, that's radius goes up 20-40 blocks to prevent Flying types from entering.

Just quoting this, it kinda got left behind sadly.