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By SirKallz
#144333 I have a very good computer that can run Planetside 2 on max settings, but for some reason I can't play the newest Pixelmon mod(s) without some bad lag. I don't have any other mods running and I only play alone. I only use the voxel minimap, but that has never been a problem before? Does anyone know if there's anything I can do to fix this? The lag goes into effect after about five minutes of smooth gameplay, then it gradually gets worse.

I apologize if this post isn't in the right section.

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By vPzQuigleyx
#144345 Have you tried allocating more RAM to Minecraft? Usually Mods for Minecraft will eat through a lot of RAM and the default 512MB won't be enough. So allocating a bit more will reduce/remove your problem. You're saying your PC is pretty high spec, so I'm unsure about any other causes apart from maybe outdated GPU drivers etc. So try more RAM and maybe install optifine and tweak some of your settings to maximize your performance if needed.

Optifine -
GPU Drivers can be found on the AMD/Nvidia site or other depending on what GPU you have.

Hope this helps a bit, if not get back to me and I'll try and troubleshoot a bit more. :)
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By SpammyGG
#144346 Just an FYI, to allocate more RAM to Minecraft, make sure you have a 64 bit version of Java, which requires a 64-bit operating system.

Once you have it, go to the "Edit Profile" button on the Launcher. You'll see a check box that says "JVM Arguments" or something similar. It should be at the very bottom of that window.

Tick the box and replace what is inside with -Xmx2G (or replace the 2 with how ever much RAM you wish to give Minecraft; in my opinion 2GB is plenty, but if you have 8 or 16 gigs I don't see why you couldn't give it more if you chose to). Then hit "Save Profile."

You should be good to go! Just make sure the profile you edited is the one you play Pixelmon with! :]
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By Burgy
SpammyGG wrote:Just an FYI, to allocate more RAM to Minecraft, make sure you have a 64 bit version of Java, which requires a 64-bit operating system.

You don't need a 64-bit Java version to allocate more RAM to a program.
Have a 32-Bit or 64-Bit version of the program doesn't change anything in regards to allocating more ram...