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By silverarow180
#144368 Defog doesn't have the added effect of removing hazards on the field. This needs to be fixed.

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By Some Body
#144369 Removing hazards from both sides is Gen 6 only. In Gen 5, Defog only removed hazards from your opponent's side. While this isn't implemented yet, it's worthless from a competitive standpoint and not a particularly high priority.
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By silverarow180
#144378 Why can't they add Defog to where it removes hazards on both sides. This helps out a lot competitively. I know that they don't want to add 6th gen features, but they added the destiny knot for breeding, and thats 6th gen.
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By Some Body
#144379 It's up to the developers. That said, the vast majority of the battle mechanics are based on Gen 5 and Defog will likely be the same.