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By Uriel
#144774 Im getting a White texture bug on my GUI's and on certain pokemon. Here is some Screenshots, Does anyone know of a fix?
P.S: The second slot has an Egg in it.


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By Burgy
#144886 You may have to try a different mirror. It looks like the whole assets folder did not download correctly.
Maybe try downloading again but from a separate mirror
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By MoeBoy76
#144897 this is a graphical error, the possible solutions are: update from windows 8 to 8.1, update your graphics card, remove optifine or simply buy a new graphics card. Not all of these will apply to you but they are the options that are known to work
By Uriel
#144928 Ya, i got windows vista. I know my graphics card is crap and that is probably why it happens. Thanks for the input mate. :]