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By SpaZMonKeY777
#145000 So recently I have had more players reporting random pokemon vanishing from their ranch blocks but still being locked in their PC. And I know there is a pixelmon command '/unlock playername' that will unlock all the players currently locked pixelmon.

BUT if your server has LWC installed (like ours does), it will conflict with their '/unlock' command and no amount of negating permissions and re-adding permissions will get the command to work.

Has anyone found a way around this? Removing LWC as a plugin isn't really an option unfortunately, so any help is great, thanks!

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By MoeBoy76
#145002 there are 2 solutions (since you don't want to remove LWC):
1) use an alias plugin to change the LWC /unlock command to something else
2) use /pixelmon:unlock