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By OneCryptickilla
#145274 Will there ever be a way to obtain move tutor moves or special moves (such as extreme speed dragonite) in pixelmon? I believe Pixelmon Extras had a way but the command doesn't work properly, and the /teach command can't limit what pokemon will learn the move.

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By Some Body
#145276 ExtremeSpeed must be ultimately inherited from the special Dratini from HGSS, so it's impossible to get legitimately despite technically being an egg move.
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By OneCryptickilla
#145300 I know, hence it being referred to as a special move ^_^ There are a few other obscure moves that can only be obtained through special or rare events, would those ever be obtainable through breeding? Like, my server was considering releasing an extreme speed dragonite into the breeding move pool through our server event like how it was available in a rare circumstance in HGSS but it didn't breed down. Even if you cant obtain it naturally, will the move ever be added the the breeding move pool for servers to chose whether or not they want to introduce it? The other question regarding Move Tutoring was wether or not there would be a functioning command that allows for move tutor moves to be taught but can tell the difference on wether or not that pokemon SHOULD learn that move (unlike /teach which will teach the move regardless if the pokemon should learn it)
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By DJ_FluXxX
#145315 I had originally intended to fix that command and release the updated PixelExtras but Rhonim has since decided to undertake rewriting the entirety of it otherwise I would still.
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By OneCryptickilla
#145339 By any chance, do you know when the extras update comes out? Honestly that update will make the world of a difference for many servers out there.
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By JeanMarc
#145375 As for your idea about adding those moves as egg moves, you can edit the database on your server to add them as egg moves, as those database edits are only needed on the server side.