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By Pixelhouse
#145792 Since updating to the latest 'beta' 3.3.9 i came across a rather annoying log in my console

Code: Select all02.02 03:01:43 [Server] INFO
02.02 03:01:43 [Server] INFO item.porkchopRaw
02.02 03:01:43 [Server] INFO item.snowball
02.02 03:01:43 [Server] INFO tile.snow

Is this from pixelmon and what does it do, also can i disable it?

The reason i ask is because on the same time i updated my old GriefPrevention,
so this could also be from that plugin, but i cant find anything log related in there.

So i rather ask here just to be sure if no one else has this.

Thanks in advance!

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By Some Body
#145793 Just a print statement that was unintentionally left in. It'll be fixed in the next update.