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By Kuwoobie
#146228 So I notice there quite a few Pixelmon sidemods now. We already use Evs/Ivs and Wondertrade, which are both pretty self-explanatory.

I'm looking at these other mods though, and I have no idea what they do exactly. There seems to be no information about them anywhere, and my Google-fu is quite good usually.

Pixelpoints, Pixelmon extras and Trainer Commands all sound interesting, but installing them blind could turn out disastrous. Their "update logs" are completely blank.

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By MoeBoy76
#146229 all of the side-mods have wiki pages but to summarise them:
Pixelpoints - gives enjin points to users based on different pixelmon things (configurable)
Pixelmon extras - some useful commands
Trainer Commands - allows you to set a command(s) to run once that NPC trainer ends a battle