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By auben2k
#146285 So, I see many people running pixelmon 3.4 servers with plugins, which means those servers are probably using cauldron, but because 3.4 uses a new version of forge my version of cauldron is not compatible with pixelmon 3.4. I need help finding/updating my cauldron, can anyone help me with that please??? Pretty please :D

By Cambo
#146293 I'm in the same boat you are in and let me tell you,so far I haven't gotten anything reliable about fixing this stuff.

Staff will tell you some stuff,but will leave you hanging and other members will just say go look for it on your own.

if you do find something or if someone reading is willing to give op and myself a hand,I know I would appreciate it a ton.
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By JeanMarc
#146298 I have found a link to download Cauldron with the latest forge, but I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to post links of Cauldron downloads because of legal reasons. Although if you google it and the most popular link, instead of looking for their cauldrons in the 1.7.10 category, look at cauldron 1.7.10 latest.
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By Isi
#146304 All we will say is that it's easily Googleable.