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By mrheadshot
#146414 Hello Everyone!

I'm looking through the new and lovley Pixelmon launcher but i am unable to find a place where i can allocate more Memory for the client.

Am i blind or has this not been added?
And if it hasn't is there a way i can add more memory for the client to run?

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By MoeBoy76
#146415 JVM arguments are in settings, the default is 1GB and the max that can be allocated is 1/4 of your total RAM
By mrheadshot
#146417 Is this in the Vanilla launcher, because the only thing i find in Settings in the Pixelmon launcher is a volume control and Java installs and arguments.
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By MoeBoy76
#146419 in every launcher you change the JVM argument -Xmx1G to the amount of RAM you want, eg -Xmx2G
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By MoeBoy76
mrheadshot wrote:the only thing i find in Settings in the Pixelmon launcher is a volume control and Java installs and arguments.

it's labeled Java Arguments, the part you need to change is -Xmx which should be the second last argument