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By JeanMarc
#146844 Hey pixelmon staff,

I know that there's usually a chat in the main page of the forums, but it doesn't seem to be there right now. Is it an issue on my end, a temporary issue or was it removed for good?

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By Some Body
#147008 You either NBT edit it in or you don't get one. If you want to post something off-topic from the original thread, make a new thread.
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By MoeBoy76
JeanMarc wrote:So, um... Would we be able to get an answer, or do you just not know?

probably the fact that we got sick of people starting stupid arguments about things like EULA/ToS, etc
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#147092 that and people were using it as an excuse to ask for help/saying mindless saying mindless things instead of using the correct section of the forum with specific issues