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By turtwigsfire13
#147040 I notice that whenever i try to capture a pokemon outside battle (or in battle), the pokemon disappears and can't be caught again (in battle the pokemon becomes invincible). is this a glitch, or was this on purpose because i liked it the old way that the pokemon reappeared.

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By PixelDip
#147046 I believe this is a common glitch although, I thought it only happened outside of battle. Technically this is similar to actual pokemon where if you don't catch the Pokemon you can't just battle the exact same one.
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By TheMiggyDgz
#147047 From what I remember, this was a bug within Cauldron, that caused the entity of the Pixelmon to disappear. I may be wrong, though, as it was said to have been fixed in the patches released for Cauldron.
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By DJ_FluXxX
#147053 As far as I know, this is still a Cauldron bug. The pokemon have a method to respawn as they are if the capture fails in or out of battle but Cauldron seems to have issues with tracking the entities or something. It's odd, because from what I've noticed, there are no errors in console either.