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By SearDagoth
#147279 Could anyone point me to the right topic, I am new to Pixelmon and PC minecraft as well, so i have alot to learn. i did manage to download and play Pixelmon 1.7.10 successfully! YAY now how does a Newb even begin to choose a server?!?! i am wanting an adventure feel, with quests and possibly story, any help is appreciated! thanks!
oh how can i delete this posting under servers? sorry thanks, posed in wrong forum

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By PixelDip
#147285 In order to delete a post ; You should see a bunch of symbols at the bottom of the post, one of them will let you delete it. If you're looking for quests and adventure I would recommend one of the Pokeballers servers or Pixeltown. Also to get familiar with the crafting recipes and Pokemon spawns, you can use the Pixelmon wiki which you can get to through the "tool" bar at the top of the page.

Hope this helped!
By SearDagoth
#147295 Thank you this does help, It looks like these are donate to play servers, know of any free to play until i get the hang of it?
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By vPzQuigleyx
#147296 You can look here for a list of Servers on the site, not all of the available servers are there. But most of them have made a thread, from there you can find out more information on servers and usually topics will also have reviews of the server from players. These can help you make your decision on what server to play.

Enjoy the mod!
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By PixelDip
#147299 All the servers I suggested are free to play, donations are an option. But as mentioned, feel free to browse through the servers on the Pixelmon Forums.