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By thestoneofdoom
#148347 Wanted to know if anyone knew what servers held true to the "family friendly" rule? I've been having difficulty with it since my sister (who is like 10) wants to play pixelmon with me on a server. Naturally I understand all servers may end up having inappropriate words/talk happen sometimes, but I'd like to see a staff correct and actually deal a warning/punishment/etc when this happens...Which I've only ever seen one 1 server thats not even pixelmon.

Anyway! If you guys know of one thats reasonably active and updated, please let me know so my sister and I can have some good'ol pixelmon fun! :D

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By Thepersianpig
#148356 you guys could play on a LAN server by pressing ESC and click on start a LAN Server or you guys could also go on pokebaallers ( it has an amazing community and it is family friendly for the most part. and for extra measures you can set your sisters chat off by turning down the chat opacity in the multiplayer setting i think.
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By IIQuertII
#148412 Come check out MorningSun! We have a swear filter that automatically sensors a word and denies the sentence from being posted in chat. If a word does get through staff is usually ontop of it.
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By bhoqure
#148481 The server i have been creating will be like that. There will not be allowed any swearing or any vulgar language. There is no need for it.
By siameseSerpent
#148513 Feel free to try out, while obviously we cannot prevent all infractions we encourage a family friendly environment to appeal to younger people who wish to play on our server. We have a friendly staff who would be glad to help you along and cater to your needs in a server =)
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By Isi
#155787 Pokeballers. If you've never seen Lachlan's Pixelmon videos, he makes a point to keep things child friendly. Reflects on the server too.