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By HelenTheHero
#150345 No internet? Good thing you haven't died... imagine, no cat videos to keep our minds working!

By InebriatedSkunk
#150584 I have a similar, yet different issue. I downloaded the ATLauncher to a USB and brought it to school to play pixelmon. Problem is, the school's web filter blocks my attempts at logging onto Minecraft. Any ideas how to fix?
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By HelenTheHero
#150691 USBs don't work with carrying mods to other computers. I have tried before, and it failed. I think when you download the mod, it adds things that you don't just stick into a USB and throw into another computer. It might just be me though.
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By HelenTheHero
#150694 The USB I used kinda fell apart too.... :P good thing I have a new one. Also, why not just play at home?
By InebriatedSkunk
#150846 The USB i use works fine with the mods, but i cant log in at school. My computer is broken and I have to use my moms laptop, and I can only use it when she's away.
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InebriatedSkunk wrote:The USB i use works fine with the mods, but i cant log in at school. My computer is broken and I have to use my moms laptop, and I can only use it when she's away.

most liekly cant use it at school due to their firewall on the network, so you can play offline assuming you already have the game full installed, if you have to download anything you're screwed