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By OniShouten
#150394 Okay so I love pixelmon but I noticed two things, Lavitar and Gible are missing! I love using the two of them so I wanted to know if the two could be added or if someone would tell me how to make them. I really do love them and wish to see both of them in there. If I have to i will learn how to make them!

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By joshua_DA
OniShouten wrote:Okay so I love pixelmon but I noticed two things, Lavitar and Gible are missing! I love using the two of them so I wanted to know if the two could be added or if someone would tell me how to make them. I really do love them and wish to see both of them in there. If I have to i will learn how to make them!

dont request. everything will be added eventually. also, the gible and tyranittar line has been finished already and will be added "someday"