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By CrazyQuilman157
#150893 Are there any Pixelmon servers focused on content creation? I work with Let's Plays on YouTube under this same name, if anyone's interested in having me join in.
The only one I currently know of is supposedly in need of a reboot that isn't coming, yet, and I doubt would have me. XD

By TheGameAce
#150918 Master... Just thinking, but... English isn't your first language is it? Crazy, what do you mean exactly? Like any servers that could use a Let's Play person? Not 100% sure what you mean by "content creation", but it sounds like you're looking for a server. If you are, you could always try mine... Doesn't have many players tbh, but it's something.

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By CrazyQuilman157
#151115 What makes you question English being my first language? I am certainly looking for a server, but I'd prefer one where a majority do as I do. It would be even better if that is the intent. That is what I mean by content creation.
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By CrazyQuilman157
#151117 My intent is to find people to work with for making videos, and the only server I know with that as a focus is PixelLeague, which has essentially died. :P
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By bhoqure
#151562 Im in the process of creating my server. Id be more than welcome to let you make a video of some of the in progress work. That way when i release the server we could have lots of people join at the start
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By CrazyQuilman157
#151790 If you want more people joining, get someone who is popular and noticed. XD I don't think I have under 2x your subs in about 40x your videos.
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By CrazyQuilman157
#151795 How much collaborative work is going on, so far? :P