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By JeanMarc
#151292 Hey guys,

I have been working on an adventure server for quite a while now, and while the server isn't close to being released yet, I thought that it would be nice to see some feedback on what people expect, or want in a pixelmon server, more precisely in an adventure one. Things such as things you guys like in staff members to have quality-wise, things like a teamspeak channel, features that currently are on other servers or aren't but you wish would be, anything, so we could keep that in mind when we'll continue working on it.

By TheGameAce
#151295 Let's see... Uh... Sane Staff Members... Wait. That's not possible at all. Too many nutjobs... Like that Jean guy and Yuffie... Teamspeak is overpowered and gonna take over the world yeh... Uh... A free-build area and make it so we can actually train our own custom pokes at some point, or I'll get ranger and jim to riot. So yeah, stuff like that kthx.

:P But really... I'll talk on Skype about it.
By TheGameAce
#151453 se·ri·ous
adjective: serious

(of a person) solemn or thoughtful in character or manner.

acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.

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TheGameAce wrote:se·ri·ous
adjective: serious

(of a person) solemn or thoughtful in character or manner.

acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.


define it in the context he was using it smart ass
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By JeanMarc
TheGameAce wrote:2.
acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.

That would seem like the closest definition I'd be looking for.