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#151473 I have been wanting to do a sidemod for the pixelmon mod and I need the source code for the pixelmon mod because I need the code for the badges. Can eather the administrators send me the source code or could some one post a work around.

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By JamieS1211
#151474 According to Isi any developer worth their weight in metal can make a side mod without the source. That is usually the requirement to be invited to the dev team.
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#151486 Yes that would be true for someone who is creating a sidemod that has nothing to do with the main mod but I need to get the code for the badges. But what ever I guess I can just get the ids and hope the mod works any ways, till then I am still asking for the source code or a work around
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By JamieS1211
JWAOSTAR wrote:Yes that would be true for someone who is creating a sidemod that has nothing to do with the main mod but I need to get the code for the badges. But what ever I guess I can just get the ids and hope the mod works any ways, till then I am still asking for the source code or a work around

To have access to the source you need to be a developer. To be invited to be a developer you have to prove yourself usually by making a side mod that has an element that works with pixelmon without being given the source. If you think this is like catch 22 then you are correct.
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#151506 k then I will do just that at which point I will not need the source code
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By MoeBoy76
#151543 why do you need the code for the badges? they are just items, plus you should not use IDs for anything, instead use the registry names (eg pixelmon:item.MarshBadge) or you could use EnumBadges, but yes, if you don't know how to that then you probably need some more experience.