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By skywardstrike28
#152494 So most of you probably know that there is a new launcher for Minecraft mods made by Curse that looks really easy to use. I was wondering, since authors can upload their mods freely, if Pixelmon would be added to it. Before anyone makes the point, I know Pixelmon has its own launcher but it doesn't really open up possibilities for modpacks containing the mod. With all that being said, I can understand if it isn't being added.

And if you're not on the Pixelmon team, do you think that making Pixelmon easily accessible to people to add it to modpacks is a good idea? I want to hear your opinion on the matter.


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By MoeBoy76
#152496 considering the fact that the curse client can only add mods that are curse-hosted, no
adding to that the fact that it means players will be using curse/mcforums instead of coming here is another reason for it to not be added