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By weezact7
#152686 My friends and I are working on an MMO-style server and we have some ambitions which are, what I think, rather ambitious. Most of this we can do in vanilla, but some of it we need mods to make work. I'm not very well versed with determining mod compatibility and I'm curious if anyone knows mods that are compatible with Pixelmon that will do the following things.

-More Biomes (I've heard Biomes O Plenty works and that's what we're planning on)
-World-Guard style build protection. We want players to be able to build/destroy on certain plots (which they can buy), but nowhere else
-A Townie-esque mod that allows plots to be bought, sold, and claimed
-Player shops
-NPC Quests
-A mod that will let me have multiple maps (possibly on different machines) with different settings but allow users to keep their inventory and Pokemon when transferring. I believe BungieCord does something like this. Multi-world maybe as well?

If anyone has suggestions for mods that will be compatible with each other (maybe a PixPax already exists with these things) and accomplish these goals while, if possible, allow settings to be set per world please let me know.

By weezact7
#152688 Oh, also please try to keep suggestions to mods which update as frequently as possible. We want to run at LEAST 1.7.10 Minecraft, preferably 1.8 once BoP and Pixelmon update accordingly.
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By yoru-san
#157913 - for factions, npc quests, shops and currency take the mod Custom NPC's
- if you use cauldron for 1.7.10 i recommend you take a look at the plugin Grief Prevention
both work absolutely fine with pixelmon