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By Gershon
#153167 Have a player that I caught using pokeradar, was wondering how I can remove it from them, instead of forcing them to trade it.

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TheCookiesCrumble wrote:You can't remove it from them because its undetectable I think so you might have to accept it or ban them.

he meant remove the pokemon, not the mod lol
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By Polterglitch
SPG wrote:
TheCookiesCrumble wrote:You can't remove it from them because its undetectable I think so you might have to accept it or ban them.

he meant remove the pokemon, not the mod lol

Oh...I knew that just was err...testing you...yeah...
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By MrMasochism
#153198 ALternatively you can just delete their player save file so they have to start again. Find their UUID by using one of the websites that get UUID from username and then find the .pk file in your world saves folder for that player and delete it. That will remove all pokemon they've caught
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By Isi
#153200 ^ What he said. When people get banned, they'll usually just go somewhere else and cause the same issues. Remove their progress, it's more frustrating for the player and they may actually learn a lesson.

Alternatively you could just kidnap-torture them.