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By EconBrony
#153223 Im currently testing a server and we noticed that only admins can wondertrade as well as use the /endbattle command. Is there a way I can make it so all my users have access to that on the server?

Thanks in advance for your help :)

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By Isi
#153230 Permission nodes. Available on the wiki.
By EconBrony
#153266 I think I am missing something. I've been researching group permissions and such, but haven't found something that works.

What command do I put in front of the permissions node?
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By vPzQuigleyx
#153271 You'll have to install a permission management plugin such as PermissionsEx or GroupManager to your server. Then set up basic groups (Trainer,Moderator,Admin etc) and place the permission nodes into the config permissions file that the plugin creates.
By EconBrony
#153278 PermissionsEX looks like what Im going to have to try out and learn being that I run a forge server. Thanks for the help. Plugins are a new field for me.
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By MoeBoy76
EconBrony wrote:PermissionsEX looks like what Im going to have to try out and learn being that I run a forge server. Thanks for the help. Plugins are a new field for me.

if you aren't running cauldron then you will need to find a permission mod (there's at least 1) as forge doesn't run plugins