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By cimmerian77
#153252 Im sure its been asked before, and i apologize if this is in the wrong forum section.

Pixelmon Trader npcs.

After setting up which pokemon to trade for which, and i either re-log, or simply leave the area and come back, the trader resets to its original state when first spawned in.

I.e, trades do not stay as you set them up.

Im creating a map on single player mode.

Is there a fix for this? or a planned fix?

Any and all help is appreciated!

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By Jephon
#153321 tracker.php?p=2&t=5297

Appears to be a reported issue.. In fact, this issue may extend all the way back to Oct '14.

If you have a bug you would like to report, please use our bug tracker! tracker.php?p=2

This way our developers can easily organize and complete the bug fixes as they can.