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By smearygore674
#153415 Hi, Im new to the pixelmon game and i have downloaded the launcher from the website but when i get on the launcher there is no way to launch the game. Im very confused and cant figure it out. I was hoping someone here would be able to help. Thank you for your time. :-)

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By JamieS1211
#153429 When you have the launcher you must download the pixelmon universal jar file of the desired version from the downloads page, and you must download the forge installer jar file for your pixelmon version. For example if you want pixelmon 3.4.0 follow this image


when you have those two files in the launcher chose create a profile. Find the Pixelmon universal jar and drop it into the box for the pixelmon jar. Then drop the forge installer jar in the forge box.


When that is done save the profile and click the box with the arrow (top right) to download the files. When this is done it will prompt you to start the game.
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By MrMasochism
#153439 We're aiming to have a new section on the website for the launcher. That will have instructions for it's use and also some pixpacks to download and use with it which make it a 1-click setup
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By JamieS1211
#153440 Sounds like a good idea. Could also add it to the FAQ section