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By xXRendanXx
#153557 Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I last played Pixelmon so I decided to try out the Pixelmon Launcher. It was easy enough to get everything set up properly so I hit install and waited.
After the install finished I hit play and then got the error message: "Cannot start Pixelmon" "Some libraries are missing! Press install to download them again."

Alright so proceeded to do just that...everything downloaded again.....successful install...then I hit play again....Bam! Same error message. I've done this about....oh 4 times now? Anyway I'd appreciate any help you guys can give me.

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By JamieS1211
#153558 If you are using pixelmon 1.8 it is because the launcher needs an update. Mr M is working on this and it should be out soon. Until then you can use pixelmon 3.4 or a different launcher
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By MrMasochism
#153563 Yeah that issue was due to the forge library server being a little unstable. Running it 3 or 4 times will get it working but that is a pain. However we have a fix for it all ready