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By bagebers123
#153748 Hey I was wondering if you guys could keep a list on broken items, abilities, and moves in pixelmon? I mean surely you guys have a to-do list of some kind. So you guys could could post it on the forums or the wiki. I know you guys, on some moves, tell us if it is broken. I just feel it would make team building and just overall player organization easier. If such a list exists then I would be grateful if you guys could post me a link.
Thanks keep up the good work

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By Some Body
#153755 There's a difference between "broken" and "unimplemented". If it's broken then you should be posting the bug so it can be fixed. If it's simply unimplemented and does nothing, I could look into compiling a list of sorts. However, moves are really the only things that would be necessary to include, as items and Abilities that are unimplemented simply don't exist in the mod yet.
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By JamieS1211
#153760 We had this it just wasn't used. It has been updated tho. However it is part of the private spreadsheet so not available to the public.