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By KrWolfe
#154082 My friend and I were setting up a new server just now for 4.0.3. We were both redirected to and I got 2 nasty looking popups (1 of which was a phishing attack trying to masquerade as my ISP), and my friend accidentally downloaded a virus from whatever popup he got (he wasn't paying much attention and thought he was actually installing pixelmon.)

Now as I type this out my friend is battling a virus on his computer, instead of battling me with pokemon :P

So please guys, switch to or something. is super sketchy!

By KrWolfe
#154086 We were both using AdBlock, somehow didn't stop these nasty ads.

I'm not sure how that matters anyways? I shouldn't have to use a 3rd party plugin to avoid getting viruses while trying to download something here. :-/