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By rrmaster13
#154198 Hey everyone!
With Synchronize being added, does anyone know whether the non-competitive effect of it, works in Pixelmon? I play primarily on a server, and, if this is indeed the case, it would make my life a lot easier. :P
For those who dont know what it does, whenever you lead a battle with your Pokemon with Synchronize, the Wild Pokemon you are facing has a 50% chance of having the same ability as you do.
Please let me know if it does work!

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By Some Body
#154201 That's not even how Synchronize works. It affects Nature, not Ability.

This is not in Pixelmon. It doesn't work well with Pixelmon as the Pokémon's attributes are generated upon spawning and shouldn't just change when a player engages the Pokémon. However, doing this with Pixelmon Grass may be possible now that it exists.
By rrmaster13
#154255 Ok, thanks for the reply. And I did mean Nature instead of Ability, just had a little brainfart or something.