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By vampirekat2000
#154390 so ether they are the most rare thing in the world or they do not spawn in all biomes? i have been playing in the same world for a wile (sense the day 4.0.3 came out) and found only one silicon ore. i started strip mining near my home and have yet to find any more of any of the new ores

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By aquasplash
vampirekat2000 wrote:so ether they are the most rare thing in the world or they do not spawn in all biomes? i have been playing in the same world for a wile (sense the day 4.0.3 came out) and found only one silicon ore. i started strip mining near my home and have yet to find any more of any of the new ores

try loading new terrain
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By MoeBoy76
#154536 slicon ore is quite rare and as yet has very little purpose