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By PlayerNerd
#154846 I downloaded Pixelmon 4.0.4, but when i start to play it lags so much. When i play the 3.4 version it doesn´t happen. How can i fix it??

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By PartyPandaNik
PlayerNerd wrote:I downloaded Pixelmon 4.0.4, but when i start to play it lags so much. When i play the 3.4 version it doesn´t happen. How can i fix it??

omg im having the same problem! :mad: :cry: :bored:
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Lauren wrote:A lot of new things were implemented into 1.8.

what was added wouldnt lag them, if anything it would make them run better
you have a few options (may or may not work)
  • make sure you are running the latest version of java and its the correct one for your pc (ie 32 or 64 bit)
  • update your gpu drivers
  • buy a better gpu because yours most likely sucks
last method is the best method
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By arvid6
#154945 I had the same problem and i found a fix. You must go to your Minecraft launcher and go to edit profile. Select JVM arguments in Java Settings and write -Xmx1G or -Xmx2G. (How you can see below)
I solved the lagg problem doing this. I hope that it works for you. ;-)

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By MrMasochism
#154947 There have been a few people with java defaulting to less that 1gb of ram and that will usually crash pixelmon. Not sure what the new minimum is but the issue is that minecraft itself is now taking more ram. We aren't taking any more than we used to, in fact we are taking a bit less