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By 1David
#155076 Hello, I have loved this mod for a long time. I have had a private server with me and my friends but now I want to expand to pixelmon.

My main server is a vanilla server called and I have ran it for around 6 years and I have found vanilla to be boring now. My mission on my vanilla server I want to carry over to the modding community. I like to offer players a fun fair server with no donator ranks or overpowered items. I want to offer people a nice place to play and have fun together. Where the players have a voice on what goes on in the server.

I would like you ( being the players ) what you want. Do you want other mods with the server? Do you want plugins?

I will also will be looking for moderators and possibly administrators to help me run it.

My contact information is the following. Teamspeak. Skype:socomftb21david

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By Polterglitch
#155079 Get plugins and come up with a unique idea that makes your server stand out against the rest of the pixelmon servers. Talk with your friends and ask them for ideas if you are having trouble with what you could do to make it unique.