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By Ren
#155110 I seem to not be able to use my signature due to a height restriction? Although previously I had no problem using the exact same one :/

Any help or is it really too big?

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By Ren
#155115 I only asked because I saw Burgy's signature:

So I assumed that there may be a way around it, but unfortunately it seems that he may have just kept from editing his signature since the restrictions took effect.

Thank you for your time.
By Atuw
I want really bad to make a Homestuck joke but it's been done to death and will probably make everyone hate me so uh.

I dunno, I haven't really been into it all that much anymore. I've been watching the remastered Sailor Moon on Hulu though just because I didn't see all of it when I was a kid, and the dubs were laughably bad. {Subs all the way this time}

When I was younger I was all about the anime because I had one of those phases and I had a lot of favorites. Don't watch any newer stuff because as interesting as some of the concepts are, I just really can't stick with them.

nah man, burgy's just the sig master
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By Some Body
#155287 Basically any sort of image editor can be used to scale the image down if necessary.
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By Burgy
#155369 I'm just more awesome so I get a larger signature B)