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By Kuwoobie
#155165 Long story short, an ID mix up error on our server allowed for a player with access to thousands of stolen accounts to obtain and hide an unknown number of trainer editors throughout the server and within the inventories of his numerous stolen accounts.

The result of this has been us constantly having to load backups of our server as he continuously logs in and destroys everything with Grotto Spawners that bypass any sort of protection. (Which, for some reason, are able to be used by any player regardless of their permission or OP status, same for Trainer Editors why I do not know). He uses the trainer editors to get any item he wants, namely the grotto spawners.

We need a way to completely disable or shut off Grotto Spawners and Trainer Editors to prevent this from happening over and over.

Whenever a grotto spawner is used, it seems to be running a command of some sort:

8.05 06:32:24 [Server] INFO [06:32:24 INFO]: PlayerName Spawned Grotto @ 880,53,3643

If I could simply know what command the Grotto Spawner tool is linked to, I might actually be able to block it from being run anywhere.

I am also wondering if I could change the ID number of the item in the Pixelmon config to something unknown. Any ideas?